Natural Light is OK but Supernatural Light is Awesome August 20, 2016

"But if we are living in the light, as God is in the light, then we have fellowship with each other, and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin."  1 John 1:7 NLT

 This reference from God's word says that if we will conduct (live) our lives in God's light (the light of His presence), we enjoy being connected with each other, and we enjoy the blessings of Jesus' blood.

 While many people enjoy and prefer natural light (reading, walking, or just having it enter their homes), supernatural lighting (God's light) is so much more to be desired.

 God has a great life for His people. We are blessed by Him to enjoy life with each other. What? I'm rambling looking for nice orderly thoughts. But here's what I'm trying to say.. If we will allow God's  word into our lives and enjoy the community of other believers (Christians, God's family), we truly enjoy the bond we have with others and we enjoy the ongoing benefits of Christ's blood.

 I don't know why it is but I've witnessed other people, in the middle of difficulty remove themselves from the Christian community (discontinuing attending church, not being current in reading God's word and struggling to pray) and then experience quite a spiritual downward spiral. 

 I've seen this in the lives of close friends, family members and yes, even members of my church.

 But it doesn't have to be like this. The Bible says that living in God's light (which I understand to be allowing His word into our lives, praying and hanging out with other Christians) is a way in which we enjoy the full benefit of Jesus' blood. 

 Jesus gave up His life so that we would experience eternal life. Jesus' hearers (and the hearers of the gospel accounts) understood eternity to begin now and continue. It wasn't just something out there in the future or after death that we would experience, rather, eternal life begins now along with the benefits of eternal life.. enjoying the Lord and His people!

 You don't have to go into a spiritual slide, dip or tailspin; rather get into the supernatural light of the Lord and begin enjoying the life that He has provided for you (see John 10:10).



Thank you Father for the blessing of Jesus' blood, salvation, calling and a Christian community to enjoy life with.

Posted on August 20, 2016 .

Would You Recognize the Lord Speaking To You? August 18, 2016

"Mary", Jesus said. She turned to him and cried out "Rabboni." (which is Hebrew for "Teacher").

Mary had visited the tomb where Jesus was buried. The stone had been rolled away and doesn't find the body of Jesus anywhere. She runs, tells others and while they investigate, she is in tears. Two angels appear to her .. they're actually standing where Jesus had been placed. They ask why she's crying. She shares that "they" (someone) has taken away the body of Jesus and she doesn't know where he is.
As she is sharing, she sees someone that she mistakes to be a gardener. It's Jesus. But she is overwhelmed with grief, emotion, dismay, sadness, that she doesn't recognize it's Jesus. She even has a conversation, but then he says, "Mary."  At that point she recognizes Jesus.
So, my thought and maybe a question for you is.. if Jesus appeared to you would you recognize him and if he called you by name, would you recognize His voice?
Mary had experienced the forgiveness of the Lord and she had spent time being taught by Jesus. Yet overpowering sadness hindered her from visually recognizing him.  Yet when he spoke her name, she came to her senses and recognized him. She knew His voice.
Voice recognition, I think comes from time spent with another. Close proximity. Intimacy. I believe it's been researched that babies recognize their mother's voice and smell because of their proximity and time with mom. Mom's (maybe dad's too) for sure recognize the sound of their own children.
Mary recognized Jesus' voice (despite her visual "block"). Maybe the gardener sort of looked like Jesus, but man when he talked, she knew it was Jesus.  He calls out to her when her faith is being stunted by fear and sorrow.
I believe he speaks to us today through the Holy Spirit. Do we recognize His voice? In the Old Testament, Samuel heard the Lord speak 3 times, and each time he sought clarity. Third time is the charm. (1 Samuel 3:1-10) 
Do you recognize the Lord's voice? Do you know when He is speaking to you?  Perhaps you are overcome with fear, sorry, busyness... etc.  There's a lot of noise that whirls around which is the enemy's attempt for us to miss out on God speaking to us.  That's one reason why He says "Be still and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10
So today, pause, listen, meditate upon His word or maybe some tranquil Christian music and listen for the Lord to speak into your life. 
Mary's action item was upon hearing the Lord's voice, she got up and shared with other's what the Lord shared with her.
Listen, hear His voice and then let you action item (next  step) be what He has shared with you.
Posted on August 18, 2016 .

Am I a Bit Over Confidence - with Jesus - you bet!

August 17, 2016


Psalm 112:7-8


"They do not fear bad news; they confidently trust the Lord to care for them. They are confident and fearless and can face their foes triumphantly."


When you put your trust in the Lord - it can be with confidence! You know what God has done in the past and what He is doing now in your life, so you can continue to go to Him knowing He's God, He's good and He's got your back. With this great benefit you can then extend confident blessings to others.


So my encouragement to you (reader) is to be a generous person and teach this to others. God will provide for you and as He does your confidence in Him will grow, expand, brim over and will be evident to all.  

Posted on August 17, 2016 .